Club History
Chartered: April 12, 1950 
By the Bangor Club of Maine 
First regular meeting 12 noon - 1:30 P.M. Tuesday April 18, 1950, Northeastland Hotel. This was the first of 2,573 Tuesday Noon Kiwanis regular meetings at the hotel. 

First Year 
July 1950, First Family Picnic at Echo Lake. Aug 1950, First offical community project: P.I. Kiwanis assumes sponsorship of the Child Health Clinic. Sept. 1950, First Fund Raising project for the clinic "News Boys for A Day" (Star Hearald) Raised $2,200.00. Nov 1950, sponsored a girl scout troop. 

Second Year
Club assisted Community Ass'n in distribution of Christmas packages to 88 needy families. Decorated Hospital with Christmas lights. Organized Kiwanis Juvenile Bicycle Event. 
Helped 82 children in clinic and spent $1,000 for medical care and medicine. 

Third Year
The first Talent Show was presented and about 2,500 people attended. 75% of the members of the club took an active part in solicitation for the Community Chest. The Child Health Clinic provided for 124 children. )clothing was also collected for the child). 

Fourth Year 
50% of the club members gave blood for the Red Cross Blood Bank. Sponsored Kids' Day Derby Races. Conducted Safety Poster Contest. Sponsored a junior baseball team. Assisted in mantel Lake development. Clinic served 99 children.  

Fifth Year 
Kids Day sponsored in cooperation with local Air Base, 300 children participated. Kiwanians assisted in repairing damage to play groung from hurricane. Children Health Clinic served 100 Children. 

Sharing the K: 
1957 Caribou Kiwanis Club: 1961 Monticello Kiwanis Club: 
1965 Circle K Club Aroostook State Teacher College(65-72): 
1990 P.I. High School Key Club: 1993 Easton Kiwanis Club: 
1997 Fort Kent High School Key Club. 

October 1987 Presque Isle Kiwanis inducted 12 lady members. First Women President was Mary LeBlanc 1991-1992 

Kiwanis Home Garden and Recreation Show: Started on April 13, 1984: Has attracted over 50,000 paid visitors. Has produced over $100,000 above expenses for community projects. 

Kiwanis Health and Dental Clinic: Started 1950 First community service project. In 1962 added dental clinic. Today we cover all of SAD#1with over $106,000 expended. 

Kiwanis Talent Revue: Started in 1951 with proceeds for the health clinic. Later dental clinic. This project has showcased local talent while supplying over $105,000 to the clinics. 

Kiwanis Christmas Basket Project: Since our involvement in 1951 approximately 5000 families have been served. In one year alone we served 240 children and 100 adults. We supply food for Christmas Day, mittens, and toys for the children. 

Sinawik: is Kiwanis spelled backward, it is also a unique partnership between Northern Maine Technical College and P.I. Kiwanis Club. Kiwanis supplies the necessary finances and building materials, and NMTC students furnish the labor. 2000-2001 will see our 24th house built. The schools has save over $500,000 on supplies. The club generated revenues for projects of approx. $95,000. We have supplied $14,000 for NMTC student scholarships. 

Kiwanis Scholastic Fund: We offer 8 Kiwanis scholarships to P.I. High School yearly. We also oversee The Jaycee scholarship, F.S. Cunninghan Scholarship, and The Jim Lyford scholarship. 

Serving The Division: From 1962 to 2001 the P.I. Kiwanis Club has supplied the Lt. Gov. for 17 of those years. 

Highlights 1950's: Assumed Assumed project of renovating community swimming pool after floods rendered it infit for use. Worked with local service clubs and C of C to raise $30,000 for new golf course. First annual scholarship. 

Highlights 1960's: Dental clinic added to health clinic. Assumed control of the former ABS Scholastics Fund from WAGM-TV. Raised $10,000 for A.R.Gould expansion. 

Highlights 1970's: Donated $8,500 to develope Riverside Bicentennial Park. Sinawik- partnership with NMTC started. P.I. Kiwanis Board of Directors supported in writing to the President of Kiwanis Int. and Circle K that female members be allowed to join Circle K. 

Highlight's 1980's: $20,000 donated to the Julian Turner Memorial Radiation Therapy Simulator. NMTC beautification and sign project. Major support of youth hockey and youth hockey association. 

Highlight's 1990's: Started our association with the Special Olympics by running the softball throw. P.I. High School auditorium curtains $16,000. Charter Benefactor for P.I. High School Hockey Program. 

Are we relevant today?: In one year we gave donations of $44,574 to 51 projects. We also donated 3,191 hours of service to the community. 

Ongoing Community Projects: Kiwanis Home, Garden and Rec. Show, Kiwanis Talent Revue, Kiwanis Chicken Stew Dinner, Kiwanis Child Health and Dental Clinic, Sinawik, Kiwanis Christmas Baskets, Bureau of Children Special Needs Funding, Kiwanis Scholarships SAD#1/NMTC.

Iodine Deficiency Disorders: Preque Isle Kiwanis Club has donated over $10,252 by individual and club donations. P.I. Kiwanis average per member is $150.76. 

Kiwanis International Honor Award 1997-1998: For multiple Service, Ruby Section. 

Officers & DirectorsClub HistoryMembership